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Inverse ETFs 101:

Inverse ETFs offer investors a less risky option to short-selling. Here's how to use them for the most benefit. Investors use bearish...

3 High-Yielding Royalty Trusts We Should Keep an Eye On 

Investments in the form of royalties are a kind of revenue- or income-based investment, just as dividend stocks are, but with some differences. It's...

I’ve been in finance for 30 years—and this is how I teach my kids...

"How do I teach my kids about money?" I hear this question often, and if you're a parent, you've probably Googled it several times yourself. In...

New Trade for April 3rd, 2023

Gold logged its highest monthly gain since July 2020 in March and may be primed to continue on its upward path in April. ...

3 Mid-Cap Growth Stocks to Buy for Portfolio Stability

Growth stocks are publicly traded shares that tend to thrive in a growing economy; if growth is very likely on the horizon, and the...