Look —
Electric vehicles are NOT as great for the environment as they’re cracked up to be.
Because even though they only make up about 4% of cars on the road… this new technology has already nearly depleted one of Earth’s most important resources.
To the PC police and the environmentally friendly crowd, this might seem like bad news…
But this this shortfall is creating a massive opportunity for investors who understand what’s happening.
For example, investors who spotted a trend just like this 20 years ago had the chance to make 20x-30x their money in a few years.
Meaning if you act today, you could see massive gains as this supply and demand imbalance plays out.
I explain the full story in this short video.
Bill Shaw, Editor
Stansberry Research
Delivering world-class investing research since 1999
P.S. I’m telling everyone I know buy my top $4 stock today. The management team’s last company soared over 10,000% in about 5 years. Which is why I think the sky is the limit for this $4 stock.
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