Tag: ETF

Capitalize on Market Downturns: The Inverse ETF Strategy

When a sharp market downturn occurs, you can benefit from taking the reverse direction of the markets.  Investors use bearish bets to hedge their...

New Trade for April 30th, 2024

Traders who are looking to benefit from sliding stocks often turn to short-selling.  The main risk of traditional short-selling is that while profit is...

New Trade for January 23rd, 2024

The main risk of traditional short-selling is that while profit is capped (a stock can only fall to zero), risk is theoretically unlimited.  Of...

New Trade for November 14th, 2023

While results this earnings season haven’t been all bad, it's clear that broader macroeconomic factors are impacting market sentiment.  The forecasts for the fourth quarter...

New Trade for October 30th, 2023

While results this earnings season haven’t been bad it's clear that broader macroeconomic factors are impacting market sentiment.  The forecasts for the fourth quarter are...