Road to Recovery: Stock Hotlist for The Week of May 4th, 2020

Here we go again. After weeks of upside on hope, markets slipped on Trump Administration threats against China.  In fact, President Trump said he could...

GDP Shrank 4.8% in Q1, and It May Only Get Worse

GDP hasn’t fallen this much in 12 years. Thanks to the coronavirus, GDP contracted at an annualized rate of 4.8%.  Economists were only expecting a...

Why Oil Could Drop to Negative $100

Here we go again. Oil prices are slipping on storage concerns.   Last checked, oil was down 26% to $12.49, and could easily slip back below zero...

The Top Companies Cutting Dividends So Far

April has been a rough money for dividends. With the U.S. economy crumbling under the weight of the virus and decimated oil prices, companies are...

Road to Recovery: Stock Hotlist for The Week of April 27th, 2020

Hope you’re enjoying the weekend. Oil was a major catalyst over the last week.  After diving well into negative territory on a severe lack of...