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“AMERICA’S NIGHTMARE WINTER” Is Coming – Will You Be Ready?

He went to law school at Georgetown with Fed chief Jerome Powell in the 1970s… Then built the largest publishing empire of its kind, with...

3rd Massive Dollar Upheaval Has Started

.td-container {max-width:860px;} .td-main-content {max-width:860px;} .td-footer-full {max-width:860px;} Thanks to Executive Order 14067… …I predict the 3rd Great Dollar Earthquake has started. These currency upheavals happen about every 40 years. The first was Roosevelt confiscating...

US Dollar Replaced with Trackable “Spyware” Version

Former Advisor to Pentagon and CIA:"Your life savings and freedoms are at immediate risk. Do THIS today..." Watch the Full Presentation Here Where were you on March...

3rd Massive Dollar Upheaval Has Started

Thanks to President Biden’s Executive Order 14067… …I predict the 3rd Great Dollar Earthquake has started. These currency upheavals happen about every 40 years. The first was Roosevelt confiscating private...