Deep Trouble – there’s no where to hide

I want you to read a quote I recently came across: 

“I will be stunned if we don’t have a recession in ’23. I don’t know the timing but certainly by the end of ’23. I will not be surprised if it’s not larger than the so-called average garden variety. I don’t rule out something really bad.” 

Those are the words of legendary billionaire investor Stanley Druckenmiller. And they point to a sentiment many investors share these days… 

Things are not getting better. They’re getting worse

Investors are in deep trouble. There’s nowhere to hide. 

You can’t sell because you’ll likely lose a boatload of capital, and you seemingly can’t buy because no one knows when we’ll actually hit the bottom. 

Meanwhile, inflation is eating into your cost of living. Credit card interest is the highest it’s been since the 1990s. Labor is collapsing. And the Fed can’t do anything to stop the stock market freefall we’ve witnessed this year. 

So what are your options? 

Well, legendary financial researcher Herb Greenberg just went on record with something that few people understand is available to them. 

It’s a unique “savings account” that can pay you up to 50% on your money, starting today. 

Herb and his team recently put together a full analysis of this opportunity, and he’s going public with it for the first time ever. 

This is something he has never revealed, not even during his decades-long career as one of America’s premier journalists or during his hundreds of appearances on CNBC opposite Jim Cramer. 

If you’re as confused about what to do with your money as most people are, I strongly urge you to check out Herb’s free broadcast immediately. 

Click here to see his full analysis for free. 

P.S. Herb believes this is the single best way to protect yourself, no matter what the market does over the next six months. It could be the best money move you’ll make this year. Check out everything right here.