New Trade for September 14th, 2023

The growth potential small-cap stocks offer is unmatched.

They often operate in niches that larger companies may overlook, providing investors with the chance to tap into underexplored markets.

Today’s trade alert features a stock that stands out not just in the realm of small-caps but within the broader market landscape…

York Water (YORW)

Operating relatively under the radar, this water utility company serves nearly 50 municipalities in the south-central region of Pennsylvania, offering essential clean water and wastewater services. Its remarkable history spans over two centuries, having consistently maintained its dividend paying track record for just as long.

For investors seeking a small-cap offering reliability, York Water presents an alluring proposition. While its growth stems partially from customer acquisition, revenue primarily increases due to regulated rate adjustments. These rate hikes are widely supported given the essential nature of water services – a commodity no one can do without. 

As a responsible steward of its earnings, York continually reinvests in its infrastructure to ensure top-notch service quality. This approach lends its growth a steadiness that sets it apart from the volatility often associated with electric utilities.

York Water isn’t a stock for quick riches; it’s a long-term investment choice. Nonetheless, the company shines as a solid entity, boasting superior gross, operating, and net margins when compared to other players in the water utility sector. So, if you’re on the lookout for an unwavering dividend generator to fortify your small-cap portfolio, York Water stands as a compelling contender worth considering.

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