New Trade for March 23rd, 2023

The price of oil has come down significantly recently and is currently hovering around $70 per barrel. This latest pullback creates an undeniable opportunity for investors looking to boost passive income with a position in one of the best high-yield stocks available. Thanks to accelerating distribution growth, this company is well-positioned to continue delivering market-crushing returns alongside a very low-risk profile. The name might surprise you.  

Enterprise Product Partners (EPD) 

Enterprise Product Partners’ conservatively positioned balance sheet, high yield, and accelerating distribution growth make the stock a compelling opportunity amid plunging oil prices. 

The solid demand for the midstream energy company’s services and geographically diversified assets enable it to consistently grow its EBITDA and cash flows to support its hefty dividend yield. Its adjusted EBITDA has increased at a CAGR of 10.6% since 2017. Meanwhile, its adjusted free cash flow per unit had a CAGR of 32% during the same period. 

While many peers such as Energy Transfer (ET) and Kinder Morgan (KMI) have slashed their payouts in the past during energy market declines, EPD has continued to grow its dividend year after year for a quarter century at a CAGR of 7%. EPD’s dividend yield currently stands at around 8% and is highly likely to continue to climb over the long term.

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Trump To Launch New Manhattan Project
That Could Make Early Investors A Fortune

As you know, the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos was a historic initiative that helped the U.S. defeat Hitler and make America the world’s undisputed superpower for generations to come.

But what you may not realize is…

The Manhattan Project was equally amazing for investors, too.

In fact, a small handful of tech stocks that helped Roosevelt and Oppenheimer launch the Manhattan Project soared for two straight decades, handing investors windfalls of 5,000% to 10,000%.

It was so lucrative… A mere $1,000 into each of these stocks would have turned into over $570,000.

A stake of $10,000 would have turned into $5.7 million.

So why am I telling you this now?

Because as you’re about to see here…History doesn’t repeat, but it often times rhymes.

And by April 30, a whole new Manhattan Project is set to begin:

Trump’s Manhattan Project.

Folks, I just spent six months investigating this…and what I found is shocking.

Trump is going to launch this new Manhattan Project on April 30 by Executive Order 001.

It will be a full-blown, balls-to-the-walls, do whatever it takes effort by the United States to control the most powerful technology ever conceived.

It will radically alter human history in a way we’ve never seen before.

And just like the original Manhattan Project… early investors will have a chance to become rich beyond their wildest dreams.

I believe a whole new generation of millionaires will be minted beginning April 30.

You could be one of them.

Click here and I’ll show you exactly how to position your money so you can claim your fair share of wealth that will flow from Trumps first big move.


Ian King
Chief Strategist, Strategic Fortunes